WEBINAR: From last mile to first touch: Identity Solutions to scale Financial Inclusion
To comply with national and global regulatory requirements, proof of identity (KYC – Know Your Customer documents) is a crucial first step for heavily regulated companies when onboarding new customers. Africa currently has the lowest number of people with some form of formal identification, so building a field-proven identity system that can easily enroll the population is the starting point for financial inclusion.
In addition, to solve the challenge of delivering financial services to underserved and unbanked populations Financial Services Providers – FSPs need to close the gap between the branch and the customer. Therefore, deploying an Alternative Delivery Channel (ADC) which relies on agent networks to provide the personal service and trusted client relationships will help close this “last-mile” gap”. However, agent networks face greater challenges in the field: distance from back office support, lack of network connectivity or lack of real-time response for ID validations can cause entropy along the process.
Watch the recorded Webinar and learn how African banks, financial institutions and governments are using mobile-based Identity solutions to build a sustainable agent network, with tools to improve field operations, identify your customer and enable financial inclusion.