Papersoft is Supporting Mozambique

After the natural disaster that struck Mozambique, Papersoft is solidary with Beira – the most devastated city in the aftermath of the Cyclone Idai, which have caused floodwaters. It has been nearly two weeks since the catastrophe and there are still areas of difficult access where humanitarian aid has not arrived yet.

In order to help rebuild a destroyed country as well as the hundreds of people affected, Papersoft is coordinating many internal donation initiatives including food and basic goods. Our office in Av Tomás Nduda nº 1040, Maputo – Mozambique is also supporting this cause and available to receive donations which will be later forwarded to the Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha) and National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC – Instituto Nacional de Gestão das Calamidades).

Papersoft appeals for everyone’s help that, even at a distance, can make the difference.

“All for Mozambique”